Saturday, July 23 2022

2022 Keynote Valery Marchive: Why We Fail at Fighting Ransomware


We are honored to have Valery Marchive as our keynote speaker this year, and his talk, Why We Fail at Fighting Ransomware, could not be more timely. From his synopsis:

The number of ransomware attacks around the globe has considerably gone up throughout the past years, and there doesn’t to be any hope for a real decrease. The reasons for it are numerous, both of the user companies side as well as vendors. There might be a fairly good reason for hope, even though the ransomware “business” keeps on striving.

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Bienvenue à Bordeaux

We are very happy to announce that BSides Bordeaux is returning for 2022! We can't wait to bring everyone back to this wonderful city and share our cybersecurity knowledge with the world. Our Call for Papers is open until August 1st and we welcome submissions of all types.

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Wednesday, October 31 2018

BSidesBDX Keynote: The Phantom Menace

If you weren't already excited about having Rayna Stamboliyska give our opening keynote talk in a few days, the title and subject matter of her speech should really pique your interest. The title of her talk is The Phantom Menace and it focuses on the need for better mobile app analysis. Read for more details, but it will be an informative and fun talk.

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Friday, August 31 2018

Two Days of BSidesBDX

This year we are expanding BSidesBDX to a 2-day event:

Cette année, nous étendons BSidesBDX à un événement de deux jours:

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Thursday, August 30 2018

Keynote Speaker Announced

BSidesBDX is happy to announce that Rayna Stamboliyska will be our keynote speaker this year. Rayna is the author of La face cachée d'internet: Hackers, bitcoins, piratage, Wikileaks, Anonymous, darkweb, Tor, vote électronique, chiffrement…

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Saturday, June 30 2018

Announcing the Return of BSidesBDX!


The BSidesBDX organizing team excited to announce that BSidesBDX is returning for our second year, and it is shaping up to be even better than last year. This year we are spreading the conference over two days, November 2nd and 3rd. 2nd of November will be a Capture the Flag training session and the 3rd of November will be our presentation track. We can't wait to roll out more details in the coming weeks.

In the meantime, our Call for Papers opens July 1st and runs through August 15th, so please get those proposals ready. You can submit your proposals here.

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